

ABSTRACT THE AFFECT AND EFFECT OF INTERNET MEMES: ASSESSING PERCEPTIONS AND INFLUENCE OF ONLINE USER-GENERATED POLITICAL DISCOURSE AS MEDIA In our modern media environment characterized by participatory media culture, political internet memes have become a tool for citizens seeking to participate actively and discursively in a digital public sphere. Although memes have been examined as visual rhetoric and discursive participation, such political memes’ effects on viewers are unclear. This study responds to calls for research into effects of internet memes. Specifically, this work represents early, foundational research to quantitatively establish some media effects of internet memes as a form of political, user-generated media. This study focuses on memes’ influence on affect, as well as perceptions of internet memes’ persuasiveness to look for evidence of motivated reasoning in consuming political memes. To establish effects of viewing political memes, an online, post-test only, qu...

Youth and mobile phones

There has been tremendous growth in the use of the mobile phones in India. It is reported that the India’s telecommunication market is the second largest in the world. The mobile phones are available to the people right from the age of 12 years. The mobile phone technology has brought the world closer. It provided great convenience in communication among people by way of either calling or texting. Now, the mobile phones are coming up with variety of features like internet access, sending e-mails, games, access to social networking sites like face-book, listening to music, playing radio, reading books, dictionary and so on. The mobile phones are also used to overcome the feeling of loneliness. The majority of the users are in the age group of 15 to 25 years. The contacts are established instantly with the help of mobile phones which was not possible earlier. However, though the mobile phone provided many advantages, it has also caused some problems also. Some people are using the mobile...

Teenager,parents and family relations

Toggle Main Nav Menu Toggle Header Search Homepage Pregnancy Toggle Sub Menu Newborns Toggle Sub Menu Babies Toggle Sub Menu Toddlers Toggle Sub Menu Preschoolers Toggle Sub Menu School age Toggle Sub Menu Pre-teens Toggle Sub Menu Teens Toggle Sub Menu Grown-ups Toggle Sub Menu Autism Toggle Sub Menu Disability Toggle Sub Menu About us Toggle Sub Menu For professionals Toggle Sub  Teenagers need love and support from parents at a time when lots of other things in their lives are changing. You can keep your relationship with your teenage child strong through ordinary, everyday activities. On this page: Teenagers, parents and family relationships Why your teenage child needs you Building positive family relationships with teenagers: tips Teenagers, parents and family relationships Many people think that families become less important to children as they move into the teenage years. B...

Why does the youth doe'nt believe in religion

 Today’s youth is very advance, be it studies, clothes, culture or RELIGION. Religion is something that we can’t mess with. There are different religions, beliefs, rituals and cultures and then there are people who neglect them all and believe that there is no God, there is no creator of this world. It’s easy to say that we don’t believe in god, but can you answer me why you don’t believe in God? As easy it sounds, we all get confused. “The higher power is just given different names” this is something people like to go with to avoid religious fights, especially today’s youth, some believe that god lives within us, praying is not important, what’s important is that we do good in this world, others don’t like restrictions, they think its conservative and narrow, we call them atheists, the ones who doesn’t believe in God. We like things easy, we like going by our rules, making our own decisions, not caring what will be the consequences and that leads us to believing less in religio...

How is it to be a woman in this country

 Women are like roses, beautiful to see but everyone thinks twice before touching them. In today’s world, feminism and liberalism has taken over the world and minds of people. Rights and equality is something that is promised by every country. Our country have its own thoughts about women and equality. It’s not that they don’t promise women equality, they just lack in fulfilling it. Pakistani women face a lot of judgment be it on clothes, how they walk, they way they talk, the way they live, if they sign up for divorce and if they are occupied in a occupation, taboo for our beloved country. Facing these problems is not a problem but making people realize that the problem is actually not a problem is the actual problem. We all know how actresses in our country are judged, how they are called names and how marny people disrespect them just because they are actresses and models. Media is still a no in many households. It’s been called the occupation of compromises. Men somehow ge...

Electricity crisis and its solution

Load shedding is one of the serious problems of Pakistan. The PML-N had claimed in the 2013 elections that it will solve this problem only in a year. In spite of all claims and their rule of five years, they failed completely in generating sufficient electricity. The former CM of Punjab Shahbaz Sharif said, “Loadshedding is your problem now.†The long duration of loadshedding in the sacred month of Ramadan exposed the performance of the ruling party. The circular debt of Rs400 billion is a clear proof of the mismanagement in the energy sector. The auditor general of Pakistan severely objected to the payment of 80 billion rupees in this regard previously. The reasons for the fake energy crisis and its solution are given below. According to estimation 22,000-24,000 megawatt electricity is needed in Pakistan. This demand increases up to 5% each year. It means 1,000 or1,200 megawatt is added. Unfortunately, we have never been able to produce more than 18,000 megawatt energy. The gove...

Water crisis in Pakistan

Making Every Drop Count: Pakistan’s growing water scarcity challenge Can climate change risks spur needed action? Pakistan is facing a serious water crisis. The country is rapidly moving from being classified as water “stressed” to water “scarce”—and with its annual water availability fall below 1,000 cubic metres per person, it may in fact have already crossed this threshold. For comparison, that means that the annual water available for each person in Pakistan would not even fill half of an Olympic swimming pool. The scope of the crisis can be demonstrated by a few key facts: About  92 per cent of Pakistan  is classified as semi-arid to arid, and the vast majority of Pakistanis are dependent on surface and groundwater sources from a single source—the Indus River basin. Since gaining independence in 1947, Pakistan's population has more than quadrupled; by 2100 its population will have increased by tenfold. About 90 per cent of the countr...